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 Just so i look silly (raw talk)

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5 posters
Sexton Hardcastle
Heath Slater's Kid
Heath Slater's Kid
Sexton Hardcastle

Country : Just so i look silly   (raw talk) England-1

Number of posts : 13076

Just so i look silly   (raw talk) Empty
PostSubject: Just so i look silly (raw talk)   Just so i look silly   (raw talk) EmptyTue Jul 29, 2008 2:08 pm

Watched raw last night, but a storm occured during the womens match so sky pooped off.

just watching the rest now and decided to wildly guess who the gm is.

I noticed all through the show they are hinting at weird ones. I.E someone pro JR or infact JR himself maybe he turns heel haha. why is adamle on raw? was cole received so bad they are putting him there instead?

one thing i thought last night was TED SNR being GM as its an old rumour, plus his son got to fight cole lol.

or indeed shane mcmahon (hope to god it isnt linda lol)

so three guesses all wrong probably. Shane, JR or Ted dibiase.

would laugh if it was a heel JR with some big ass enforcers.

obv it could still be regal giving himself matches too.

Last edited by King Sexton on Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sexton Hardcastle
Heath Slater's Kid
Heath Slater's Kid
Sexton Hardcastle

Country : Just so i look silly   (raw talk) England-1

Number of posts : 13076

Just so i look silly   (raw talk) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just so i look silly (raw talk)   Just so i look silly   (raw talk) EmptyTue Jul 29, 2008 2:24 pm

Lets crack on then.

Mike adamle new GM.

worst crowd reaction to anything ever...

thoughts on raw ?
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5 Time World Champion
5 Time World Champion

Country : Just so i look silly   (raw talk) England-1

Location : Barnsley Number of posts : 2244 Favourite Wrestler : Big Daddy Smile

Just so i look silly   (raw talk) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just so i look silly (raw talk)   Just so i look silly   (raw talk) EmptyTue Jul 29, 2008 3:46 pm

Thought's on RAW, gather round peep's...

Raw review time again peep's...

Apart from the biggest spoiler being 'caught' before hand, this should be a suprising Raw.

Start's out to Cena getting cheered like fuck, a few boo's that Cole and King pick up on, reason is that they are in batista's hometown, apparently... Cena sucking up to the crowd (this dude must have some one telling him what sob story to give each week, this week, he aint perfect, blah, next week he's coming out...), call's out the Animal, and the Animal come's out. An interesting promo, this fued is going down the 'I respect you...' angle. With Batista even proclaiming that CM Punk cant beat him, and neither can Cena. Cena cheep popping at Batty-Boy's home town crowd, AND did Cena just give away the WM 25 main vent? Na it's on for tonight. interesting to see Cena got a bigger pop than the 'home town hero' even when Batista (even though he slipped up on his onw town's name HAHA) mentioned Washington.


Shane skipping on the ramp (is it me or is Shane looking more like his dad, around '93ish?), New GM tonight (yeah that's the spoiler I caught) main event's announced. CM Punk vs. the hottest free agent (WHO?) and Cena and Batista vs. JBL and Kane.

Kelly Kelly (that music is annoying!) and D'LOOOOOO! (Ya looking at thas real deal NAR!), King pop's a good one liner now "Do you think she beleive's in love at first sight, or do I have to stand up again?" Haha! VS. Santino (and Beth Im thinking) Santino man, fuckin' love this guy! Haha. "Now look here you glamorous amazon! OK. I cant help that you find me attractive. OK? It's a gift... But it's also a curse!" "eye's up here hey? Ima not a peice of meat!" GOLDEN! The best promo guy in year's! New Santino's Casa every Thursday BTW.

Any way onto the match...

D'Lo and Santino start out, Santino tries for a sly kick, caught by D'Lo, abit of Santino's comedy coming out in the ring, trying to swipe at D'Lo who has his leg, spin's round Santino tries for a flip over pin, D'Lo cut's him off with a clothesline. Looking more aggressive than he used to. Nice neck breaker from Santino. Looked like Santino couldn't get D'Lo up, then in come's Beth and striaght up D'Lo went lol. The look on Santino's face! In come's Kelly Kelly. Beth dominating the talentles Diva, in come's santino "I got her!" Lol @ that elbow drop from Santino. But he manage's to roll Kelly up for the 3 good amusing opener, hope they use D'Lo abit more seriously though... Abit of an awkward moment wih Santino/ Beth, LMAO@ Santino pouting his lip's at beth... She grab's him by his hair, Santino screaming and lot, lip's locked again, I can see them becoming a face couple soonish, doing the comedic thing. Good match/ promo's.

Jericho's FINAL highlight reel? Tonight?

Is this the unveiling of the new GM? Na, JBL/ Shane in the office. JBL begging for a title shot, Batista on his 3rd shot, Cena is a joke, he beat him at 'his' PPV, GAB. Etc. Shane's phone ring's, with his entrance music I might add, the new GM on the beller?

MATCH 2. World Tag Team Championship.
Deeber's Rhodes Vs. Duggan and KING? All this about? Duggan got a very decent pop, King got fuck all (lol). "The match has been changed by order's of the new GM..." Duggan's out, Micheal Cole's in? I thought Duggan was gonna get some decent TV time. Oh well.Deeber's/ King starting out. Dibiase straight in at King, not intimadated, King slap's him, he clotheslines the King. In come's Rhodes, the fuck happened there, King was tied up by Dibiase, and Rhodes circle's him, then Deeber's flop's to the floor and king goes for Rhodes. Didn't catch that bit? lol. Abit of a shady scuffle, Rhodes to the top rope nad nice bull dog. Some arm bar/ hammer lock combo on King. Rhodes misses from the top, King dominate's, knock's both Deeber's and Rhodes down. King goes for his pattented Pile Driver, Dibiase from the back, Rhodes back in control, Micheal Cole accidently tag's himself in, distraction caused and King is knocked outside. Cole in, Rhodes looking like a cocky prick, Cole swing's, nice punch to chin of Rhodes, not enough,big clothesline from Rhodes, looked good. Half decent squash match. Cole look's out of it lol.

Mike Adamle is at the announce table

Jamie Noble harrassing more women? "Im good looking like Barrack Obama, I love my oat meal like John McCaine..." He's good at his comedy promo's, but I think moving him to Raw with Santino aint doing him any favour's, he's good but he aint no Santino on the mic. "Coffee Kingston..." Loko's like he's on the IC trail...

Kofi Kingston Vs. Jamie Noble. Straight in is Noble, looking like the wrestler he actually is, instead of jobbing from the get go. Ah, here we go, Kofi looking like he's on crack, fast fecker too. Nice leg drop, if only that was Hogan's finisher. Quick as fuck, Noble jobbed out as usual, looked good starting off, but this match litterally lasted 2 minute's.
2.5-3/5 Both looked good, Noble better than usual, actually getting a shot in an' all.

Next up is Punk/ Free Agent.

Free Agent Vs. CM Punk.
Ah JBL on announcing duties for this too. Punk come's out to a nice pop. REEEEGAL!!!! Regal/ Punk starting off nice, lot's of actual technical wrestling, Regal showing his skill's, but Punk is more than holding his own. Nice kick from Punk.
Regal nice kick to Punk by Regal on the corner post, cut's Punk's mouth. Regal get's a full nelson-ish hold on Punk. Reversed by Punk into a small package. Classic heel, poking his eye's lol. That's all Punk does is strike's though, and he's supose to be pretty technical, why dont he use his technical knowledge, especially against Regal? Nice T-Bone from Regal, looked better than a T-Bone from The Tazz lol. Regal back to that arm lock/ head lock, Punk reverses into the GTS. Punk pick's up the 3, looked shit during the match but he got the W, barely.

JBL leave's the announce table, enter's the ring. In come's the Big Red Machine, bag in hand again. Jaw's JBL, Punk goes at Kane, big kick to the face, and receive's one from JBL.

Jericho's FINAL Highlight Reel nEEEEExt...

I like how Y2J has changed his 'tron video, reading 'SAVE ME' now. Accompanied by Lance Cade. Still got that 'Jeri-Tron' which he made HBK kiss. He's still doing a great job playing the 'bitter good guy turned bad' routine, still very nice. Saying how he was forced to move his life/ career up to another level. Nice touch adding that he played the new millenium party host, and was happy to do so, but he will no longer play that part. Mention's he was playing this while he could've been getting gold. Say's he's gonna play a vid of the man who's career he's ended, but it's not HBK, no, it's Y2J! Video roll's...

*HIGHLIGHT'S the comedic promo's from the last few year's.*

I think it's a great heel touch adding that the guy in the video who made people laugh is gone, good serious heel feel to him. Continue's to mention the HBK incident, saying when he did it Shawn in his head he did it to all the mark's.

Lance Cade on the mic. Stuck with a singing cowboy, Jericho saved him, etc.
Jericho to HBK: "Stay home, move on... Hold on to your wife..." etc.
When is HBK back? A month? 2?
Jericho on the title run too? Punk/ Jericho would be a great match at Summerslam imo.

Ah, good ol' JR back on Raw.

Mickie James VS. Jillian Hall. This should be good! These bitches dont really know how to take bump's do they? Mickie almost broke her knee's with that face ;plant from the top rope. What a voice on that frisky broad, Jillian. Mickie get's the win via the shadiest DDT ive seen...
2/5 (That's generous too)

Haha, Katie Lee 'Burchill' demolishes Mickie. Katie Lee proclaiming she is the next Women's Champ, Paul the next IC champ. "Hope the mysterious new GM is watching..."



Cryme Tyme Cenation! WHOOP! Shad looking at Batista abit dodgey. Cena/ Batista, DTA, dont trust anybody. Kinda comically, Cena back's away from Batista.

MATCH 6. The Main Event.
JBL/ Kane Vs. Cena/ Batista. Kane, bag in hand walk's into the ring. Another mis-match mainevent imo. JBL, Cena starting out, Batista tag's himself in very quickly. Dominating JBL at the mo. Kane and JBL knocked outside, Cena Batista tense moment, ad break. Come's back to JBL smoking Cena.Kane in, low drop kick from the Big red Monster, dominating Cena now. 10 minute head lock. JBL/ Kane tagging quite frequent. Sideslam from Kane on Cena, kane up top for a clothseline, misses, DDT from Cena. Both make tag's, JBL/ Batista in now, flurry from both guy's, Batista getting the better of Bradshaw. Spine buster on JBL, Kane get's a swift one. Bradshaw back in at Batista, who whip's Batista to the rope's which Kane then pull's down sending the Animal down the floor outside. JBL follow's Batista out. Tag's Kane. Body scissor's on the floor on a fallen Animal, whob turn's it round on Kane, only for JBL to tag in and cut Batista off from Cena. Batista reversed JBL into the corner and spear's JBL from the run off. Goes for a Batty-Boy Bomb, but Kane cut's him off so Batista kick's The Red Boy in his face, and get's one courtesey JBL. JBL Misses a right hand and end up hit's Kane, who come's in, taken as a tag, and goes for a chokeslam on JBL, speared by Batista stop's this, and Cena is in. Goes for an F-U to Kane and hit's it for the 3 count.
3.5/5 Not a bad main event. Plenty of up's and down's through out. Cant really complain too bad.

Ladies and ladies the new GM of Monday Night Raw... MIKE ADAMLE. Yeah I knew, fucking spoiler's.

Summer Slam match. Cena Vs. Batista.

Good show Il give it 4 wobblies out of 5 wobble's.
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Sexton Hardcastle
Heath Slater's Kid
Heath Slater's Kid
Sexton Hardcastle

Country : Just so i look silly   (raw talk) England-1

Number of posts : 13076

Just so i look silly   (raw talk) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just so i look silly (raw talk)   Just so i look silly   (raw talk) EmptyTue Jul 29, 2008 4:03 pm

lol good reveiw.

I thought raw was a farily decent show until a storm cut the sky. Then watched rest online and it wasnt the same show really.

again i prefer raws midcard to its main event scene. hopefully jericho changes that soon.

no rey again, no point in him returning for a match if hes not fit enough, people will just forget about him
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5 Time World Champion
5 Time World Champion

Country : Just so i look silly   (raw talk) England-1

Location : Barnsley Number of posts : 2244 Favourite Wrestler : Big Daddy Smile

Just so i look silly   (raw talk) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just so i look silly (raw talk)   Just so i look silly   (raw talk) EmptyTue Jul 29, 2008 4:13 pm

Less advert's though lol. Yeah Im the same alately, cant get enough of the mid card action's/ story's and Im normally drifting by the end of the main event, but tbf it weren't THAT bad this week. It has been worse, it's basically the same main event scene from pre-draft Raw and SD mixed up, good to see Punk stepping up, and Kane back in the action, though this bag story aint had much progression the last couple of week's.

Rey only did that match with Santino the other week because it was an easy job for him, I think his arm is still abit fucked, I was expecting him back before SS though.
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First Amateur Title

Country : Just so i look silly   (raw talk) Scotland-2

Number of posts : 202

Just so i look silly   (raw talk) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just so i look silly (raw talk)   Just so i look silly   (raw talk) EmptyTue Jul 29, 2008 5:13 pm

Mike (bloody) Adamly. Have the WWE finally lost the plot. This guy can't even interview correctly never mind run anything. This has to be the worst decision ever. JR would have done a far better job saying that I thing the referees would do a better job.

Well we'll see how long he lasts?????????????? Please WWE not long I hope.
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TNA Heavyweight Champion
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Country : Just so i look silly   (raw talk) England-1

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Just so i look silly   (raw talk) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just so i look silly (raw talk)   Just so i look silly   (raw talk) EmptyTue Jul 29, 2008 11:57 pm

it appears that raw is going down the same route as sd, a gm at the helm who can draw cheap heat
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Most decorated Champion in history
Most decorated Champion in history

Country : Just so i look silly   (raw talk) England-1

Location : Babylon Number of posts : 7492 Favourite Wrestler : Abdullah the Butcher

Just so i look silly   (raw talk) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just so i look silly (raw talk)   Just so i look silly   (raw talk) EmptyWed Jul 30, 2008 12:26 am

Erm, no lol.

Vickie actually gets heat, did you not hear the reaction Adamle got? Absolutely nothing.
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5 Time World Champion
5 Time World Champion

Country : Just so i look silly   (raw talk) England-1

Location : Barnsley Number of posts : 2244 Favourite Wrestler : Big Daddy Smile

Just so i look silly   (raw talk) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just so i look silly (raw talk)   Just so i look silly   (raw talk) EmptyWed Jul 30, 2008 12:44 am

I dont think he's gonna be GM more than 2 week's, I think Sexton and Gaffer were on about it, they nailed it, they're gonna get a few shit GM's trying to stop the anarchy and take control of the company before they stick the perm GM in who sort's it out. Sound's plausible, especially after Raw.
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Most decorated Champion in history
Most decorated Champion in history

Country : Just so i look silly   (raw talk) England-1

Location : Babylon Number of posts : 7492 Favourite Wrestler : Abdullah the Butcher

Just so i look silly   (raw talk) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just so i look silly (raw talk)   Just so i look silly   (raw talk) EmptyWed Jul 30, 2008 1:21 am

Maybe, can't think of much else they can do with Adamle.

So if they do go with this which other prunes could they line up?

Todd Grisham could follow on as a similar person to Adamle although he's boring and going on ECW (I think).

Or maybe they'll spice it up taking a different type of idiot each week. You could maybe have Santino running it and just going off with Beth or summit. Then you could have Kane but he keeps killing people lol. Some different type of fuck up each week or so.
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