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 Road to WrestleMania - The Undertaker/John Cena MK-II

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Heath Slater's Kid
Heath Slater's Kid

Location : Glasgow Number of posts : 12238 Favourite Wrestler : CM Punk

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PostSubject: Road to WrestleMania - The Undertaker/John Cena MK-II   Road to WrestleMania - The Undertaker/John Cena MK-II EmptyThu Dec 03, 2009 11:12 am

OK so last week I was asked to give my opinion on how I'd really like to see an Undertaker/John Cena feud leading up to WrestleMania, it was more of a fantasy type storyline more so than a storyline that I could see panning out.

This week I'm writing how I can actually see it going with whats happened over the course of the last few weeks/months.

Instead of the usual storyline type articles written I'm going to use bullet points in order to try and establish my musings on this potential feud.

  • CONSPIRICY - This I believe can serve as the catalyst for a possible rivalry, The Undertaker seems to be on the wrong end of a conspiracy on SmackDown! at the moment, although its not been so obvious as of late its something they can definitely refer to at anytime, he seems to be the guy they DON'T want as the World Champion, on RAW however, Jesse Ventura set the ball rolling by saying Cena is the figurehead of a conspiracy within the WWE to keep him as the Champion of the World, to add flames to this fire, Carlito this week came out and although didn't use the word conspiracy, he made it clear that almost everyone backstage be it on RAW, ECW or SmackDown! are sick of him constantly being the go to guy in the WWE, so right here, we have a major opportunity to see something born from this.

  • BACKGROUND - Being on different shows for so long its hard to establish a serious logical background, however with both as each brands respective World Champions one could be considered to have everything put on his lap (Cena) while the other-one may feel like all and everything has been against him since he won the World Title, The Undertaker may use this as the reason why he Tombstoned John Cena prior to the Survivor Series on RAW

  • PROGRESSION - As the weeks/months pass, it could become even more blatant that Vince McMahon and the WWE would be favouring John Cena while also being even more obvious that The Undertaker is not a guy they want at the top of the tree (all in kayfabe of course) and with it, more and more of the wrestlers can allude to it as well, it sets up a collision course, although it might be better as Cena playing the gullible face who can't see the bais shown while The Undertaker is the one who can't see past the obvious bias and believes only a No Holds Barred winner takes all match with John Cena at WrestleMania will prove his point

  • RESULT? - Well it could go one of two ways, they could either have The Undertaker maintain the streak, John Cena himself could possibly finally see what everyone else could see and realise he has been a pawn in a game from McMahon, he could turn on Vince as Vince tries to interfere on his behalf and turns around into a Tombstone or have John Cena end the streak with some massively shocking heel tactic to get the win and basically cement the belief that there has been a major conspiracy against The Undertaker all along and indeed John Cena behind the scenes has been very influential in that because having having such a big star as World Champion on SmackDown! was indeed taking a lot of the spotlight he craved from him.

  • THE AFTERMATH - The aftermath could and probably would see a major change in the outlook of the WWE, John Cena, could have a heel turn seen only before by two men, Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin, and while Austins was big news, I feel this could have a bigger impact, one only seen before by the Hulk Hogan turn at Bash at the Beach 96, Also, if it did signal the end of The Undertakers WrestleMania streak then I think it would be a surefire thing to realise that John Cena would become the biggest heel in the business overnight, something he could get 5 years from, OR they could just play it like Cena while never really being a heel has finally realised he was being used behind the scenes by McMahon and Co which could lead to a feud between Cena and the McMahons (and whatever lead guy gets to be the figurehead of the McMahons)

What do you guys think?

Would a conspiracy angle work, could it be the idea that is the catalyst for the rivalry that seems to be on everyones mind for next years WrestleMania?
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Wrestling Legend
Wrestling Legend

Location : In My House Number of posts : 4224 Favourite Wrestler : Shawn Michaels

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PostSubject: Re: Road to WrestleMania - The Undertaker/John Cena MK-II   Road to WrestleMania - The Undertaker/John Cena MK-II EmptyThu Dec 03, 2009 5:01 pm

Nice idea, I like storylines that have been subtly built up over a number of months. The only minor issue with your thought is that Cena hasn't exactly had it easy over the past couple of months either. What, with him having to put his place on the RAW roster on the line to earn a 60 minute No DQ Ironman match and having to defend the title against both members of DX in a Triple Threat match. Then there is the Tables match at TLC coming up. However, this is just a minor detail only a wrestling nerd like me would pick up on lol.

I would ensure Cena sticks with the McMahons after Mania and reveals he was in on it all along. I would then make someone like Christian makes the step up to help Taker fight the new Cena-McMahon alliance (the history is there). When Taker retires, Edge would link up with his old partner.
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Road to WrestleMania - The Undertaker/John Cena MK-II Empty
PostSubject: Re: Road to WrestleMania - The Undertaker/John Cena MK-II   Road to WrestleMania - The Undertaker/John Cena MK-II EmptyThu Dec 03, 2009 5:04 pm

Rocky wrote:
Nice idea, I like storylines that have been subtly built up over a number of months. The only minor issue with your thought is that Cena hasn't exactly had it easy over the past couple of months either. What, with him having to put his place on the RAW roster on the line to earn a 60 minute No DQ Ironman match and having to defend the title against both members of DX in a Triple Threat match. Then there is the Tables match at TLC coming up. However, this is just a minor detail only a wrestling nerd like me would pick up on lol.

I would ensure Cena sticks with the McMahons after Mania and reveals he was in on it all along. I would then make someone like Christian makes the step up to help Taker fight the new Cena-McMahon alliance (the history is there). When Taker retires, Edge would link up with his old partner.

like it
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