While it looks nowhere near it just now I was wondering where people can see this angle with him insulting the legends leading too?
While I understand it will culminate in a match at WrestleMania against either a top legend (along the lines of a Hogan or an Austin) or even a match with Micky Rourke, I wonder where this will end, and how it will end, obviously again I expect it to end at Mania, however I mean what will Jericho get out of it?
I am starting to wonder if its a ploy to get Jericho face again, by finally seeing himself as the hypocrite he is calling all others, to eventually see that he is in the wrong and not everyone else, for me though, I am really enjoying his heel run and would prefer it kept going I just can't figure out where this is going, surely with the way he is acting he would need to win at WrestleMania to prove his point, however I can't see this as WrestleMania is the place the heel should get his comeuppance so seeing him lose is on the cards in my opinion, but unless its a face turn and he sees the error of his ways so to speak then where does he go after that? how could his character justify calling out all those legends and slating them only for him to end up a loser to the legends.
Whats others views on Jericho and how this angle and his character will go?