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 Dream main events for WrestleMania 25?

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8 posters
When I grow up I want to be the Rock
When I grow up I want to be the Rock

Location : UK Number of posts : 47

Dream main events for WrestleMania 25? Empty
PostSubject: Dream main events for WrestleMania 25?   Dream main events for WrestleMania 25? EmptyFri Sep 19, 2008 6:04 pm

What are your dream main events at WrestleMania for each brand?



Chris Jericho (c) vs. Shawn Michaels vs. CM Punk

The three best all-rounders on Raw in my opinion and three very entertaining wrestlers. Jericho would be the heel champion, HBK the babyface in peril he plays so well and CM Punk the up and coming face looking to cement himself as a main eventer. We've all seen the quality of matches Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels can produce and with CM Punk thrown into the mix, it would be a memorable match.


The Undertaker vs. Sting

This is a dream match for me, it always has been. Both The Undertaker and Sting play these eerie dark gimmicks and have led WWF and WCW/TNA but never actually faced off against each other. This would be a classic match as we all know that when it comes to the big matches, 'Taker never fails to deliver.


Raven (c) vs. Matt Hardy (Street Fight)

I think this would be an interesting match. Raven takes the belt from Matt after interference from Stevie Richards or something and after months of build up, Hardy finally gets his chance at revenge in a Street Fight at WrestleMania. Raven is a hardcore specialist (and one of my favourite wrestlers ever) and Matt Hardy has proved he's worth in gimmick matches over the years so this would be a good match to see.
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5 Time World Champion
5 Time World Champion

Country : Dream main events for WrestleMania 25? England-1

Number of posts : 2037

Dream main events for WrestleMania 25? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dream main events for WrestleMania 25?   Dream main events for WrestleMania 25? EmptyFri Sep 19, 2008 6:33 pm

RAW - Rock v Austin - one last time, they have put on the 2 most entertaining matches at mania IMO, id love to see one more

Smackdown - Shawn Micheals v Kurt Angle (HIAC) - Not the shitty Hell in a cell match we see nowdays, more like the older ones with huge spots, i wanna see more people chucked of the cell through tables, not their face grinding against metal for half n hour

ECW - Hardyz v Edge and Christian v Dudleyz (TLC) - same reason as Rock v Austin, would love to see the match one more time, hardyz will be willing to take alot of bumps, E&C are pure awsomeness in every way, dudleyz to finish the trio geek
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WWE Champion as G.M

Country : Dream main events for WrestleMania 25? Niger-1

Location : The City Of Angles Number of posts : 16515 Favourite Wrestler : Essa Rios, CM Punk, Too Cool, Aj Styles ,Shawn Michaels,

Dream main events for WrestleMania 25? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dream main events for WrestleMania 25?   Dream main events for WrestleMania 25? EmptyFri Sep 19, 2008 6:34 pm

You mark Cal Razz
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5 Time World Champion
5 Time World Champion

Country : Dream main events for WrestleMania 25? England-1

Number of posts : 2037

Dream main events for WrestleMania 25? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dream main events for WrestleMania 25?   Dream main events for WrestleMania 25? EmptyFri Sep 19, 2008 6:35 pm

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Wrestling Legend
Wrestling Legend

Location : In My House Number of posts : 4224 Favourite Wrestler : Shawn Michaels

Dream main events for WrestleMania 25? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dream main events for WrestleMania 25?   Dream main events for WrestleMania 25? EmptyFri Sep 19, 2008 11:11 pm

Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Championship

This is a match most people have been waiting nearly a decade for. Two of the most popular and talented superstars go head to head for the world championship. Nuff said

Chris Jericho vs HHH for the WWE title

A rematch of WM X8 I think it was X8. Two of the men who defined the Attitude Era go one on one for the richest prize in the game. The 1st ever Undisputed Champion vs The King of Kings and the god knows how many times world champion. Jericho to win.

Rey Mysterio vs Evan Bourne in a Extreme Rules match.

I didn't watch any of the old ECW so I am just going with what ECW is like now. Two of the most athletically gifted athletes going one on one for the ECW title in a Extreme Rules match. Cue lots of great leaps and jumps off ladders and staging.

Return of The Legends

The Rock vs Stone Cold, the 2 most popular superstars going one on one in both men's last ever match. Stone Cold to win in his hometown.

Other random matches:

Warrior vs Hogan

Hogan vs Sting

Flair vs Hogan

Flair vs Warrior
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Defeat your rival at PPV
Defeat your rival at PPV

Number of posts : 708

Dream main events for WrestleMania 25? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dream main events for WrestleMania 25?   Dream main events for WrestleMania 25? EmptyMon Sep 22, 2008 2:21 pm

Raw: Orton (how could you guys forget?)vs Y2J

SD: Taker vs HHH or Rock vs Booker T (summerslam 2001 remember?)

ECW: RVD vs Sabu vs Jeff Hardy vs Mysterio vs Bourne vs Kofi Kingston Elimination chamber with only high flyers
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Fux de Lux
Called up to main roster
Called up to main roster
Fux de Lux

Number of posts : 547

Dream main events for WrestleMania 25? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dream main events for WrestleMania 25?   Dream main events for WrestleMania 25? EmptyMon Sep 22, 2008 3:36 pm

Cena - Hogan and Hogans gets his ass kicked!!
Hogan is the only legend, I want to see again, and only for loosing a big fight and showing the world, he's def. finished!!

Except one other match: Hogan - Warrior, but this would be a great surprise and the Inringaction would be bulllshit. But think of the worth!!

Edge - HHH and HHH going gown.
Edge will alwys be ME. One of my favorite matches was the TLC between Edge and Cena. I can't really imagine something bigger.
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Number of posts : 610

Dream main events for WrestleMania 25? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dream main events for WrestleMania 25?   Dream main events for WrestleMania 25? EmptyMon Sep 22, 2008 4:07 pm

colin delaney vs nunzio for the world heavyweight title
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First Amateur Title
First Amateur Title

Country : Dream main events for WrestleMania 25? Scotland-2

Number of posts : 202

Dream main events for WrestleMania 25? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dream main events for WrestleMania 25?   Dream main events for WrestleMania 25? EmptyMon Sep 22, 2008 10:52 pm

I always love a Gimmick battle royal just cause there funny, Bushwackers always make me laugh and its just good to remind me of the good old weird days
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