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 Smackdown Star reportedly on his way out of WWE

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Saint Jimmy
TNA Heavyweight Champion
TNA Heavyweight Champion
Saint Jimmy

Country : Smackdown Star reportedly on his way out of WWE England-1

Location : Liverpool Number of posts : 1319 Favourite Wrestler : Stone Cold Steve Austin, Bryan Danielson, CM Punk

Smackdown Star reportedly on his way out of WWE Empty
PostSubject: Smackdown Star reportedly on his way out of WWE   Smackdown Star reportedly on his way out of WWE EmptyFri Mar 02, 2012 4:40 pm

Pro Wrestling Torch reports Mark Henry may be on his way out of WWE.

On the December 12, 2011 episode of Raw, Henry pulled his groin during a match against John Cena. Testing done during the week revealed that the injury was more severe than was originally believed. The majority of WWE's creative forces wanted to give him an easier schedule for a few weeks to let the injury heal. Vince McMahon, however, was described as being less than sympathetic to Henry's plight and decided to have him lose the World Heavyweight Championship to Big Show the following week at TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs. McMahon didn't think Henry should have taken time off to heal and pushed him to continue making his scheduled dates. This has led to frustration on Henry's part.

Henry's contract with WWE is set to expire this year and the Torch says that tension could have led him to not renew, thus explaining why he's losing the majority of his television matches.

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Hesth Slater's Kid

Country : Smackdown Star reportedly on his way out of WWE England-1

Location : Slough Number of posts : 15866 Favourite Wrestler : Ambrose
CM Punk

Smackdown Star reportedly on his way out of WWE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Star reportedly on his way out of WWE   Smackdown Star reportedly on his way out of WWE EmptyFri Mar 02, 2012 4:44 pm

He was working through the injury at first which was why he won the title in the first place. However he has come along way since his turn and went from being boring to actually being entertaining but there is only so much you can do with the monster heel.
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Most decorated Champion in history
Most decorated Champion in history

Country : Smackdown Star reportedly on his way out of WWE England-1

Number of posts : 5725 Favourite Wrestler : Randy Orton
CM Punk
Dolph Ziggler
Bryan Danielson
Chris Jericho

Smackdown Star reportedly on his way out of WWE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Star reportedly on his way out of WWE   Smackdown Star reportedly on his way out of WWE EmptyFri Mar 02, 2012 5:52 pm

Ok so he's leaving WWE it seems.

I don't get why WWE bury stars as soon as they decide they may leave (Punk being different). They could easily keep Henry on top set up a loser leaves WWE fued with someone.
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PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Star reportedly on his way out of WWE   Smackdown Star reportedly on his way out of WWE Empty

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Smackdown Star reportedly on his way out of WWE
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