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 Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers)

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4 posters
Hey Theres New Jack! RUN!
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Called up to main roster
Hey Theres New Jack! RUN!

Country : Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) Untitl11

Location : England Number of posts : 509 Favourite Wrestler :
All Time: Rob Van Dam, Undertaker, Mick Foley, Sabu & Scott Hall

Current Favourites: AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam, Mr Anderson, Matt Morgan & Desmond Wolfe

Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers)   Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) EmptyMon Mar 22, 2010 10:39 pm

PPV of the year, soo far, IMO. Enjoyed this from start to finish.

Great to see a ladder match, where the ladder is used as a weapon and there are some high risk moves. What a ladder match should be IMO. Good opening match, with each guy willing to take some punishment and giving it their all. The Powerbomb on Daniels (on the ladder) looked like it should've broke his back. Obviously this type of match can't be performed every week, but if it's limited to once in a while, it can be done very well.

Tara and Daffney put on a pretty decent match. And this fued will also be continued, given that Daffney took Tara's spider.

Was pretty certain Big Rob would squash Brutus (sorry it's just Magnus now), and he did just that. Looks like Big Rob is inline for a push and he has improved a hell of a lot, so fair play to
the bloke.

Shelley saying about Generation Me only just getting their "Hardy Boyz Starter Kits" cracked me up. I thought the MCMG vs Generation ME match was fantastic. WOW! This match had absolutely everything and was Total Nonstop Action, in every sense. The unique and innovative sequence of moves used, is amazing to watch. What a fantastic showing from four real quick, athlectic, technical, risk taking guys. Awesome watch!

Realised I may mark out for Scott Hall more than anyone else, when he grabbed that mic, in full Outsider attire. Just seeing Hall like that, now that is awesome. He didn't look as bad as I anticipated either. I enjoyed the Hall/Waltman & Nash/Young match immensly and am pretty pissed I couldn't watch it live. Well done Eric Young, he should've impressed Hogan and Bischoff with what he did in that match (and afterwards). You can see why Eric Young was put in that program, besides him usually being 'that guy', he made Hall and Pac look pretty decent in the ring. Granted Hall wasn't great, but TBH, I was expecting worse. The Red & Black Attack, IS BACK!

Card was full of decent matches, and Doug Williams vs Shannon Moore, was no different. Moore looks like he could be a good addition to the X-Division. Good promo from Doug after the match, to gain himself some genuine heat.

Great Tag Title match and a very unexpected ending. I thought Matt Morgan was immense in the role he played. He worked the crowd as good as anybody. Just a bit dissapointed his singles push will have to wait now. Will Morgan & Hernandez now fight over the Tag Titles, or be forced to defend them together? Could be interesting.

The build up going into the Angle/Anderson match has been pretty damn good. And the match itself, fitted in perferctly, with the type of fued those two have been involved in. Two bonafied main eventers telling their story, in the ring, to great effect. Angle getting Anderson to tap out, with blood pouring down his face, was a great way to end that part of the fued. And I look forward to seeing it continue.

AJ is playing this role, to great effect now. He has been getting better and better, and that opening promo is proof of that. I like Abyss aswell. Wrestling needs big characters like him IMO. Although I do think Matt Morgan would've been better suited for Abyss' push. AJ is simply phenomenal in the ring (and he was allowed to show it) and his character, right now, is great IMO. Can't believe I actually thought Abyss could win with the Blackhole Slam! stupidity Nutty Naitch in a wheel chair, classic! Love Ric Flair! WOOOOO!. Abyss 'Hulking Up' doesn't have the same effect. But, HOLY SHIT, what an ending! Wolfe tripping over Flair was classic! taking th piss out o Cheesyness has a place in wrestling IMO. And what a stable that is: Flair mentoring two of the best in TNA, with Chelsea as the 'Valet'.

I really hope they build on, what I thought, was a fantastic show and the best PPV of the year soo far. And I look forward to watching iMPACT tonight to see the fallout. Did anyone else think as highly of Destination X as me?
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Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers)   Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) EmptyMon Mar 22, 2010 10:49 pm

Damn anyway it sounds like a great PPV. I would have loved to have watched it but my PC for some reason cant handle watching videos these days without lagging and slow buffering.
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Heath Slater's Kid
Heath Slater's Kid

Location : Glasgow Number of posts : 12238 Favourite Wrestler : CM Punk

Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers)   Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) EmptyMon Mar 22, 2010 10:59 pm

I thought it was a very good PPV until the BS main event, I felt the Main Event ruined it and ruined the momentum

I have no problem what so ever with AJ being chokeslamed through the ring, it helps keep the strap on AJ as well as putting Abyss over as a big dangerous monster badass, it was the utter crap after it that made me want to poke my eyes out, I've got time for fun in Pro Wrestling, but not in the main event on a PPV, thats just bullshitting the fans who paid to watch it, if the show ended with complete disillusion over Abyss putting AJ through the ring and Hogan giving him the title 'unofficial' then it would have been great and set up everyone to tune in to iMPACT! tonight to find out whats going to happen, then have Bischoff pull rank on Hogan and make sure the belt is returned to AJ since he didn't actually lose it!

Now, with that ending, I'd be inclined to think more people would be put off than tuned in

Didn't enjoy the Tag Titles match, I felt Matt Morgans role is far to forced, I don't see why he needs to be so obvious in his heel turn, and it makes Hernandez look pretty weak too just accepting that from him, 6 months ago Hernandez was beating the crap out of 3 or 4 guys with ease, now he is acting like someone from the WI who has just been on a night out with Stan Collymore
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Vince calls you realising his mistake
Vince calls you realising his mistake

Country : Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) Untitl36

Number of posts : 1538 Favourite Wrestler : Tna - Jeff Jarrett, Mr Anderson, The Pope, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair

Wwe - Randy Orton

Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers)   Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) EmptyMon Mar 22, 2010 11:04 pm

I watched half of the PPV before I stopped to go out. Could you give me info about the main event Gaffer, Godfather or Jack?
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Heath Slater's Kid
Heath Slater's Kid

Location : Glasgow Number of posts : 12238 Favourite Wrestler : CM Punk

Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers)   Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) EmptyMon Mar 22, 2010 11:10 pm

Here is the actual match report for the mainevent

Quote :
TNA Championship Match
AJ Styles (c) vs. Abyss

Abyss is out to the ring first, to lots of love from the Impact Zone, and some kind of weird hybrid of his song, and Hogan's American Made theme. Styles is out second, still to a fairly nice reaction. Wolfe's valet wheels Flair out about 3/4 of the way down the entrance ramp. JB is out to do formal ring introductions for both men, and then this one will be ready to go.

Abyss doesn't let JB finish, as he jumps AJ before JB can finish the introductions. Abyss pounds on AJ for a bit, before sending him headfirst into one turnbuckle, then another. AJ ducks a couple of clotheslines, but he runs right into the brick wall that is Abyss. Styles tries for a couple of chops, but it doesn't have much affect, as Abyss shoulder blocks AJ out onto the entrance ramp. Abyss follows out and hits a big right hand to AJ's head, and he looks toward Flair, but doesn't do anything. Abyss continues to work on AJ, and jaw with Flair. Abyss tries for a chokeslam on AJ, but AJ fights it off, hitting a big enzugiri, and hanging Abyss up in the ropes, using them to choke him. Styles charges Abyss, who's still hung up in the ropes, but Abyss counters with an awesome belly to belly suplex.

AJ hits a dropkick to Abyss' shin, and takes him down to the mat, trying to keep him grounded. Abyss rolls out to the apron, and AJ hits another low dropkick, sending him down to the floor. AJ follows out with a huge tope, and Flair is loving it. Styles grabs a chair, and he props it up in the corner between the top and middle turnbuckles, and while the ref tries to pull it out, AJ uses the opportunity to choke Abyss against the rope, the ref doesn't get a chance to get the chair out before he breaks it up. AJ tries for a body slam, but Abyss fights it off immediately. AJ fights out of a gorilla press, and hits a beautiful dropkick to take Abyss down.

AJ chops away at Abyss in the corner, but Abyss begins to fire back with a series of right hands. Styles is able to fight back and get Abyss into the corner, where he wraps Abyss' leg up in the ropes and wrenches away. Styles tries to go back to work, but Abyss fights back, dazing Styles. Styles is able to come back with a chop and a punch. Styles goes to the apron and he tries for the springboard forearm, but he gets caught in chokeslam position. AJ fights out of it, but he walks into a back body drop. Abyss follows it up with a splash in the corner and a big sidewalk slam. Abyss goes for the pin but he only gets two. Abyss tries for the shock treatment, but AJ fights out of it and answers back with a pele.

AJ connects with a springboard forearm, but it's only good for a near fall. Styles tries for the Styles clash, but Abyss catapults Styles into the chair that was set up earlier. Abyss connects with the shock treatment, and he goes for the cover, but Styles is able to kick out at two. Abyss puts AJ on the top turnbuckle, and he goes up too, but Styles is able to fight him off, biting at Abyss' head and knocking him back to the mat. Styles hits a corkscrew press, and he goes for the pin, but Abyss kicks out. Abyss is up, and AJ turns around, right into a black hole slam. Abyss goes for the pin, but AJ kicks out at two. Chelsea rolls Flair up to the ring, and he grabs the ref, spraying something in his eyes. Flair tosses the belt in the ring to Styles and AJ uses it to blast Abyss.

Hogan's music hits, and he's on his way to the ring with Earl Hebner. Hogan says he wants Flair out of here, and he orders Chelsea to the back. Hogan grabs Flair, and begins wheeling him toward the back.

AJ hits a springboard 450, but Abyss is able to kick out of the pin attempt, and he starts to Hulk up. AJ tries to fights Abyss off, but it just pumps him up even more. Abyss even does the who 'YOU' thing, before he fights back, hitting a big boot, and a huge chokeslam that sends AJ through the middle of the ring. Hebner calls for the bell, and it looks like this one is going to be thrown out. Hulk Hogan grabs the TNA World Championship and he gives it to Abyss, but Hebner grabs it away.

Flair is being rolled back down to the ring and he's livid. Flair flops into the ring, and Abyss picks him up. Chelsea has the spray, but Hogan grabs it, using it to spray in Flair's face. Desmond Wolfe is down to help things out, but he eats a couple of rights from Hogan and Abyss before being maced, and tripping over Flair and down into the hole left from Abyss' chokeslam. Flair then falls down the whole, and Hogan and Abyss pose while Abyss' weird hybrid music plays.

No Contest
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Vince calls you realising his mistake
Vince calls you realising his mistake

Country : Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) Untitl36

Number of posts : 1538 Favourite Wrestler : Tna - Jeff Jarrett, Mr Anderson, The Pope, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair

Wwe - Randy Orton

Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers)   Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) EmptyMon Mar 22, 2010 11:17 pm

Cheers for that. Hmm it sounds as though the feud will continue. I think it would be better for them to do it tonight rather than make it a triple threat between AJ, Abyss and the Pope. Pope deserves a one on one match with the champ and I couldnt really see him winning if it was put into a three way.
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Hey Theres New Jack! RUN!
Called up to main roster
Called up to main roster
Hey Theres New Jack! RUN!

Country : Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) Untitl11

Location : England Number of posts : 509 Favourite Wrestler :
All Time: Rob Van Dam, Undertaker, Mick Foley, Sabu & Scott Hall

Current Favourites: AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam, Mr Anderson, Matt Morgan & Desmond Wolfe

Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers)   Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) EmptyMon Mar 22, 2010 11:23 pm

Gaffer - I agree, they could've left the ending as AJ just laying there, but I couldn't help but laugh at what followed. I thought it was funny and enjoyed it. And after watching the PPV, I will definately be watching iMPACT tonight.

CoughSplutter - Now you've said that, that could be Hulk's big announcement regarding Lockdown. I just thought Pope would get his Title shot and then the AJ/Abyss fued would continue after Lockdown. While still being involved with eachother now. Pope/Abyss vs Wolfe/Styles.
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Vince calls you realising his mistake
Vince calls you realising his mistake

Country : Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) Untitl36

Number of posts : 1538 Favourite Wrestler : Tna - Jeff Jarrett, Mr Anderson, The Pope, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair

Wwe - Randy Orton

Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers)   Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) EmptyMon Mar 22, 2010 11:27 pm

It just dawned on me that that could actually be his announcement as I was writing it. I had a gander over at the article but wasnt paying much attention, I will have a look again. Hopefully this isnt the announcement but I dont see what else it can be.
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Heath Slater's Kid
Heath Slater's Kid

Location : Glasgow Number of posts : 12238 Favourite Wrestler : CM Punk

Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers)   Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) EmptyMon Mar 22, 2010 11:56 pm

I might be wrong but I don't think the announcement will have anything to do with The Pope

New Jack, I know you'll be watching iMPACT! tonight, but right now, your totally pumped with TNA so I don't really think it would matter how last nights show ended, you'd still watch, I meant from a casuals prespective
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Hey Theres New Jack! RUN!
Called up to main roster
Called up to main roster
Hey Theres New Jack! RUN!

Country : Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) Untitl11

Location : England Number of posts : 509 Favourite Wrestler :
All Time: Rob Van Dam, Undertaker, Mick Foley, Sabu & Scott Hall

Current Favourites: AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam, Mr Anderson, Matt Morgan & Desmond Wolfe

Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers)   Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) EmptyTue Mar 23, 2010 12:25 am

Yea I know what you mean Gaff. They didn't leave any sort of 'cliff hanger' at the end of the PPV. AJ just got his Title back. They would've been a lot better off letting Abyss 'leave' with the Title.
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Hey Theres New Jack! RUN!
Called up to main roster
Called up to main roster
Hey Theres New Jack! RUN!

Country : Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) Untitl11

Location : England Number of posts : 509 Favourite Wrestler :
All Time: Rob Van Dam, Undertaker, Mick Foley, Sabu & Scott Hall

Current Favourites: AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam, Mr Anderson, Matt Morgan & Desmond Wolfe

Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers)   Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) EmptyTue Mar 23, 2010 12:31 am

I didn't think Hulk's announcement would have anything to do with Pope, until CoughSplutter mentioned it.

Can't think of it being anything else than Abyss getting another Title shot? Hopefully it won't concern Pope, as he deserves his one on one Title match.
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Heath Slater's Kid
Heath Slater's Kid

Location : Glasgow Number of posts : 12238 Favourite Wrestler : CM Punk

Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers)   Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) EmptyTue Mar 23, 2010 12:37 am

It wasn't just the lack of a cliff hanger, it was the entire ending, if it stopped at AJ going through the ring it would have been great, I just thought it was pointless, unfunny and a complete insult to our intelligence with the way it ends, I like humour in wrestling but not in the main event of a PPV, unless it was a way of burying a feud stone dead
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Most decorated Champion in history
Most decorated Champion in history

Country : Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) England-1

Location : Sunderland, England Number of posts : 7076 Favourite Wrestler : John Cena, Stone Cold Steve Austin, CM Punk, AJ Styles & The Boogyman

Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers)   Great PPV - Destination X (contains spoilers) EmptyTue Mar 23, 2010 9:06 pm

I really enjoyed this PPV, although the ending could of been done a little better. As already said, there was no real cliff hanger to make us all watch iMPACT.

I was quite supreised we didn't see the like of RVD, Pope, Jeff Hardy, Sting etc (unless i missed somthing) but glad in a way because they had nothing to do with any of the matches.

I was quite suprised at the ending in the tag title match. Thought Beer Money would of won. I'm not liking the Morgan / Hernandez 'fued' tbh. I don't know way but there is something missing.

Ultimate X was great, i hope the MCMG win the titles when they get there shot.

Glad Doug Williams retained as i'm not a huge fan of Shannon Moore and i didn't see the point of him making an apperence one on iMPACT then be given a title match without any real build up.

Angle/Anderson was also quite good, enjoyed Andersons mic work at the end which i thought made Angle thought he lost the match.
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