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 TNA: Turning Point

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3 posters
Sexton Hardcastle
Heath Slater's Kid
Heath Slater's Kid
Sexton Hardcastle

Country : TNA: Turning Point England-1

Number of posts : 13076

TNA: Turning Point Empty
PostSubject: TNA: Turning Point   TNA: Turning Point EmptyThu Nov 15, 2012 9:30 pm

Cracking main event. Outshone anything else on the card, of which i'm struggling to remember much about. Apart from how Joey Ryan is me if I was a wrestler. Best way to annoy people is to make them nervous about their own sexuality Laughing after all, they are packed in to an arena to watch oily men grapple. Only trouble is, it wasn't exactly an X Division match. I'd prefer the x division to be more about Zema Ion, Aj styles, Daniels etc flipping about nearly killing themselves.

but yeah, whatever happened on the PPV discuss. The main event was the key thing though. And signs of Abyss remembering who he is, is sort of important for the aces storyline.
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Most decorated Champion in history
Most decorated Champion in history

Country : TNA: Turning Point England-1

Location : Sunderland, England Number of posts : 7076 Favourite Wrestler : John Cena, Stone Cold Steve Austin, CM Punk, AJ Styles & The Boogyman

TNA: Turning Point Empty
PostSubject: Re: TNA: Turning Point   TNA: Turning Point EmptyMon Nov 19, 2012 8:00 pm

Must admit a just skipped through the whole thing so excuse me if something happened and I didn't see it.

The main event was awesome. Havent seen a ladder match like that in a long time. Pleased Hardy won, Aries should go back to the X-Division. RVD is a good champion I think as he can do most of the flips. Joey Ryan is great, and having Matt Morgan with him makes him even more cocky.

Regarding Abyss, is there any chance Joseph Parks could be Abyss? When Bully Ray held Parks' hand I noticed a tattoo on his wrist - very similar to Abyss tattoo. I think i've seen them on TV together but what if...

Random thoughts regarding the PPV:

Hasn't ODB got a pretty face?

Why Does Chavo wear black electrical tape on his shoulder?

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NXT Main Event
NXT Main Event

Country : TNA: Turning Point England-1

Location : Preston Number of posts : 366

TNA: Turning Point Empty
PostSubject: Re: TNA: Turning Point   TNA: Turning Point EmptyMon Nov 19, 2012 8:22 pm

Joseph Parks is Abyss, don't know whether TNA will have them as 2 characters or have Joseph Parks remembering he is Abyss - I reckon those couple of Abyss appearences during the Bully Ray feud are being regretted now.

The tape is instead of bandages to protect an area, fuck knows how it works but sports have being using them since the summer - lots at the olympics and a goalkeeper wore them last season.

Didnt rate the PPV - telegraphed the AJ loss, for some reason I'm not enjoying Hardy just don't like him.
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Most decorated Champion in history
Most decorated Champion in history

Country : TNA: Turning Point England-1

Location : Sunderland, England Number of posts : 7076 Favourite Wrestler : John Cena, Stone Cold Steve Austin, CM Punk, AJ Styles & The Boogyman

TNA: Turning Point Empty
PostSubject: Re: TNA: Turning Point   TNA: Turning Point EmptyMon Nov 19, 2012 8:30 pm

Well rustman I think i'm the opposite to you (matter of opinions of course) I'm a huge (in ring) Hardy fan . I hope he now has a decent fued with Storm now. AJ, along with Aries, should now be put back in to elevate the X-Division. It's starting to shape up again a little and I think these two would be brilliant in the ring together.
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NXT Main Event
NXT Main Event

Country : TNA: Turning Point England-1

Location : Preston Number of posts : 366

TNA: Turning Point Empty
PostSubject: Re: TNA: Turning Point   TNA: Turning Point EmptyMon Nov 19, 2012 10:08 pm

Mack I'm not sure where my Hardy dislike is coming from, pre TNA I liked him. I think its that he RVD and Anderson all turned up around the same time when Hogan took over (I know Hardy had done an appearence or so before) and I associated him with the dire year Hogan and Bischoff gave us which held a lot of guys back. I do think he's become a little stale though.

I can see an AJ story where he holds the X division title at Destination X to get the title shot.
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Most decorated Champion in history
Most decorated Champion in history

Country : TNA: Turning Point England-1

Location : Sunderland, England Number of posts : 7076 Favourite Wrestler : John Cena, Stone Cold Steve Austin, CM Punk, AJ Styles & The Boogyman

TNA: Turning Point Empty
PostSubject: Re: TNA: Turning Point   TNA: Turning Point EmptyTue Nov 20, 2012 5:54 am

I know where your coming from. a lot of new people around the same time. it pretty much became the norm and no shock factor anymore.

Good shout regarding AJ and the X Division title. He'll bring in Joseph Parks (if he's still around) to find a loophope in the 'no title match until BFG.

Another thing regarding Turning point, the 3 man commentry team. Now as I say I fast forwarded the majority, and again with iMPACT last night, but I think I like the 3 man team - but I do think the nes guy, Todd Keeney i think his name is, will eventually take over Mike Taney.
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Sexton Hardcastle
Heath Slater's Kid
Heath Slater's Kid
Sexton Hardcastle

Country : TNA: Turning Point England-1

Number of posts : 13076

TNA: Turning Point Empty
PostSubject: Re: TNA: Turning Point   TNA: Turning Point EmptyTue Nov 20, 2012 11:05 am

regarding commentary, you'r probably right. He did most of the play by play and taz did the colour commentary, but mike just chipped in with little bits of both. I think they want someone who is good at selling shock's as tenay is notoriously bad at that, although has maybe improved since hogan arrived.

I think the abyss reveal will be okay, as all his previous work was done with the understanding that he's from a mental facility and has multiple personalities. Still concerned that it was bully who beat abyss out of park, but it's dvon in the aces, yet the stories are tied together by park. I hope they keep multi personality park though, with abyss as the one who wrestles and park backstage. Always makes me chuckle when he says 'we, at park park and park, think...'

Ultimate X should be decent if it's aries, aj, rvd, ion, daniels. Or some variation including a few of those.
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TNA: Turning Point Empty
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