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 Kurt Angle

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Hey Theres New Jack! RUN!
11 posters
Second Divorce

Country : Kurt Angle Scotland-2

Location : Glasgow Number of posts : 3774 Favourite Wrestler : Undertaker, CM Punk, Robert Roode, Kurt Angle, Michael McGillicutty, Jericho, Daniel Bryan, Ziggler, Jack Swagger

All Time - JBL/Edge/Shawn Michaels

Kurt Angle Empty
PostSubject: Kurt Angle   Kurt Angle EmptyThu Mar 04, 2010 8:19 pm

Kurt Angle truly is a wrestling machine, I doubt many on this board would disagree when I say he is definetly in the top 3 active wrestlers in the world right now and in the top 10 of the best ever, in my wrestling viewing career I'd say he is definetly the greatest technical wrestler I have ever seen, he has had great matches on the big stage with people like Lesnar, Taker, HHH, Rock, SCSA etc

My question for you is
1.what is your favourite Kurt Angle match?
2.When did he reach the peak in his career?
3.and how long can he stay on top of the mountain when it comes to active competing?
4. And what will you remember most about him?
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Most decorated Champion in history
Most decorated Champion in history

Country : Kurt Angle England-1

Number of posts : 5725 Favourite Wrestler : Randy Orton
CM Punk
Dolph Ziggler
Bryan Danielson
Chris Jericho

Kurt Angle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kurt Angle   Kurt Angle EmptyThu Mar 04, 2010 8:31 pm

i only started watching wrestling 2006 onwards so:

1.what is your favourite Kurt Angle match?

Vs HBK at WM21

2.When did he reach the peak in his career?

Unsure due to when i started watching, fued with Triple H maybe 02

3.and how long can he stay on top of the mountain when it comes to active competing?

depends how reduced his schedule can get.

4. And what will you remember most about him?

You Suck!
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Most decorated Champion in history
Most decorated Champion in history

Country : Kurt Angle England-1

Number of posts : 5725 Favourite Wrestler : Randy Orton
CM Punk
Dolph Ziggler
Bryan Danielson
Chris Jericho

Kurt Angle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kurt Angle   Kurt Angle EmptyThu Mar 04, 2010 8:33 pm

actually #4 gets rivaled by the milk hose
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Most decorated Champion in history
Most decorated Champion in history

Country : Kurt Angle England-1

Location : Sunderland, England Number of posts : 7076 Favourite Wrestler : John Cena, Stone Cold Steve Austin, CM Punk, AJ Styles & The Boogyman

Kurt Angle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kurt Angle   Kurt Angle EmptyThu Mar 04, 2010 8:46 pm

1.what is your favourite Kurt Angle match?
KOTR 2000 v Shane O Mac

2.When did he reach the peak in his career?
Probably his 1st WWF title win

3.and how long can he stay on top of the mountain when it comes to active competing?
Barring injury and reduced chedule, a good few year yet

4. And what will you remember most about him?
Milk float &Alliance to name a few
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Hey Theres New Jack! RUN!
Called up to main roster
Called up to main roster
Hey Theres New Jack! RUN!

Country : Kurt Angle Untitl11

Location : England Number of posts : 509 Favourite Wrestler :
All Time: Rob Van Dam, Undertaker, Mick Foley, Sabu & Scott Hall

Current Favourites: AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam, Mr Anderson, Matt Morgan & Desmond Wolfe

Kurt Angle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kurt Angle   Kurt Angle EmptyThu Mar 04, 2010 8:48 pm

I stopped watching wrestling in about 2000 and only started watching again in 09, so dont have too much to go on. But...

1. Either one of his matches with Demond Wolfe (Turning Point/Final Resolution).

2. Haven't got a scooby.

3. Judging by his recent performances, I'd say a few years yet. But his body has obviously taken a beating so I could be wrong.

4. Olympic Gold Medalist.
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Kurt Angle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kurt Angle   Kurt Angle EmptyThu Mar 04, 2010 8:48 pm

1.what is your favourite Kurt Angle match?

v lesnar at mania.

2.When did he reach the peak in his career?

i would say from 2004 to 2006

3.and how long can he stay on top of the mountain when it comes to active competing?

for as long as his body will let him.

4. And what will you remember most about him?

when he debuted,him being the cocky olympics guy who loved his medal and never shut up about winning the olympics with a broken frickken neck.and how he loved milk
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Heath Slater's Kid
Heath Slater's Kid

Location : Glasgow Number of posts : 12238 Favourite Wrestler : CM Punk

Kurt Angle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kurt Angle   Kurt Angle EmptyThu Mar 04, 2010 9:02 pm

Quote :
My question for you is
1.what is your favourite Kurt Angle match?
2.When did he reach the peak in his career?
3.and how long can he stay on top of the mountain when it comes to active competing?
4. And what will you remember most about him?

These are just my own opinions

1. Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar Iron Man match on SmackDown! for the WWE Title
2. 2000-2003
3. I'd say as long as he does't over do it another 4 years easy
4. He always delivers when it matters
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Heath Slater's Kid
Heath Slater's Kid

Country : Kurt Angle Untitl11

Location : Falkirk Number of posts : 12026

Kurt Angle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kurt Angle   Kurt Angle EmptyThu Mar 04, 2010 9:12 pm

Quote :
My question for you is
1.what is your favourite Kurt Angle match?
2.When did he reach the peak in his career?
3.and how long can he stay on top of the mountain when it comes to active competing?
4. And what will you remember most about him?

1. Vs Brock Lesnar
2. 2000-2004
3. Another Couple of Years
4. Vs Shane O' Mac at KOTR
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Most decorated Champion in history
Most decorated Champion in history

Country : Kurt Angle Untitl11

Number of posts : 5679

Kurt Angle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kurt Angle   Kurt Angle EmptyFri Mar 05, 2010 9:25 am

jckbluenose12 wrote:

My question for you is
1.what is your favourite Kurt Angle match?
2.When did he reach the peak in his career?
3.and how long can he stay on top of the mountain when it comes to active competing?
4. And what will you remember most about him?

1- Kurt vs Undertaker, No Way Out 2006. Or HBK Mania 21. Or Samoa Joe when Joe won his first TNA title, that match was just brutal.

2- 2001 onwards.

3- Provided he stays on a part-time schedule, and is careful with what he does, a few more years yet. Hopefully.

4- Intensity, Integrity, Intelligence. And being my shout for greatest in-ring performer ever.
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World Champion Winner At WM
World Champion Winner At WM

Country : Kurt Angle England-1

Location : Manchester Number of posts : 2836 Favourite Wrestler : AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam, Jushin Thunder Liger, Tiger Mask, Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, Matt Sydal (aka Evan Bourne), Jack Evans and Luchadores in genral.

Kurt Angle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kurt Angle   Kurt Angle EmptyFri Mar 05, 2010 11:32 am

Quote :
1.what is your favourite Kurt Angle match?

My favourites are the WM21 match against HBK (i'm just a sexy Kurt, i'll make ya ankle hurt, lol!!) and the TNA Genesis '06 match against Samoa Joe.

Quote :
2.When did he reach the peak in his career?

Probabbly towards the end of his WWE run as he broke the wellness policy for painkillers at that point, so his neck problems must have gotten worse, which showed towards the end of his WWE run as he seemed more sluggish.

Quote :
3.and how long can he stay on top of the mountain when it comes to active competing?

If he stays part time in TNA and doesn't do anything stupid, possibly 2 more years.

Quote :
4. And what will you remember most about him?

Got to be this: