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 HHH & Undertaker heat backstage

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king inferno
bazz23-v2 ®™
Sexton Hardcastle
10 posters
Money in the bank winner
Money in the bank winner

Country : HHH & Undertaker heat backstage UnitedStatesofAmericaUSA-1

Location : Cheshire Number of posts : 1556 Favourite Wrestler : Current WWE: The Miz, Jericho, Orton, Evan Bourne, William Regal, Christian, Jack Swagger, CM Punk, Kaval

TNA: Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, AJ Styles, Jay Lethal, Matt Morgan, Desmond Wolfe, Mr Anderson, Hernandez, Douglas Williams, Robert Roode, Kurt Angle, Young Bucks, Samoa Joe, Kaz.

Others: Bryan Danielson, Chris Hero, Colt Cabana, Christopher Daniels, Jack Evans, Austin Aries, Tyler Black, El Generico, Briscoe Brothers, Claudio Castagnoli, Roderick Strong, Rhett Titus.

HHH & Undertaker heat backstage Empty
PostSubject: HHH & Undertaker heat backstage   HHH & Undertaker heat backstage EmptyFri Sep 12, 2008 11:57 am

Since returning to the SmackDown brand, there is some major heat on the WWE Champion Triple H, mainly for him going out of his way to make the younger talents look bad on camera, especially guys like MVP and Shelton Benjamin. A lot of the guys backstage were upset about Triple H’s recent promo and have went to The Undertaker for a resolution, of sorts. The Undertaker agrees with the younger talents and says he understands how they feel.

The belief is that a backstage showdown is coming between The Undertaker and Triple H, due to the way the WWE Champion treats people in the locker room. Many people think that Triple H would get his way in the end but the one person that Vince McMahon respects and trusts the most above others is The Undertaker. Triple H wouldn’t lose his job obviously but some kind of changes would have to be made.

The Undertaker sees SmackDown as his brand and the Superstars as his boys, in a way. If he isn’t backed by McMahon when the time comes, there’s a feeling that he could take more time off for injuries as a way to show his displeasure. There’s already a thought among some close to the situation that Triple H wants payback for his loss at WrestleMania 17 and is pushing for himself to face The Undertaker at WrestleMania 25 with the streak being broken.
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5 Time World Champion
5 Time World Champion

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PostSubject: Re: HHH & Undertaker heat backstage   HHH & Undertaker heat backstage EmptyFri Sep 12, 2008 1:26 pm

Well it was only a matter of time before stories like this started to float around. Not sure just how much of it is true, but it is certainly the case that HHH enjoys burying talent, which is why the likes of Booker T were unhappy about being moved to RAW. Now that he is on Smackdown, I would think a lot of people would be wanting a switch to RAW to avoid him. As for HHH ending the streak, I'm sure that's something his ego would want, but it would be a stupid idea as he doesn't really have anything to gain from it, and should be used for a younger talent, to cement their place in the main event.
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Money in the bank winner
Money in the bank winner

Country : HHH & Undertaker heat backstage UnitedStatesofAmericaUSA-1

Location : Cheshire Number of posts : 1556 Favourite Wrestler : Current WWE: The Miz, Jericho, Orton, Evan Bourne, William Regal, Christian, Jack Swagger, CM Punk, Kaval

TNA: Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, AJ Styles, Jay Lethal, Matt Morgan, Desmond Wolfe, Mr Anderson, Hernandez, Douglas Williams, Robert Roode, Kurt Angle, Young Bucks, Samoa Joe, Kaz.

Others: Bryan Danielson, Chris Hero, Colt Cabana, Christopher Daniels, Jack Evans, Austin Aries, Tyler Black, El Generico, Briscoe Brothers, Claudio Castagnoli, Roderick Strong, Rhett Titus.

HHH & Undertaker heat backstage Empty
PostSubject: Re: HHH & Undertaker heat backstage   HHH & Undertaker heat backstage EmptyFri Sep 12, 2008 1:43 pm

There's already a rumour circulating that when Edge returns he's being shunted off to RAW as him and Haitch havent seen eye to eye for a while.
I jokingly mentioned HHH ending the Taker streak in MaFish's thread a few days back, now it seems to be gathering ground. It's the same though as Flairs retirement, everyone wanted a up and comer take him out but it ended with HBK pushing himself for the role (which in retrospect was a good thing).
Surprised Trips is still lording it over on SD as it has been Taker's turf for a while now and looking at the roster there isn't many that I could say would tie their flag to HHH's banner (Jeff being the only one that springs to mind)
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5 Time World Champion
5 Time World Champion

Location : Parts Unknown Number of posts : 2141

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PostSubject: Re: HHH & Undertaker heat backstage   HHH & Undertaker heat backstage EmptyFri Sep 12, 2008 2:07 pm

There is one difference between Takers streak and Flairs retirement though. Flair needed somebody with the talent of Michaels to work with, just so he could have a reasonably good match. Taker on the other hand, is still busting out great **** matches month after month, so a young superstar could surely be trusted. Even if HHH did put himself forward to end the streak, I have a feeling Taker would say no, and ask to put over somebody who could use the rub.

HHH is always going to walk around, playing the big shot no matter which locker room he is in. As he is the boss's son in law, he clearly feels untouchable, but I definitely believe that the wrestlers themselves still consider Taker the locker room leader. Even Jeff may have split loyalties, as Taker was the first guy to make him look like a main eventer.
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Heath Slater's Kid
Heath Slater's Kid

Location : Hamburg, Germany Number of posts : 1083

HHH & Undertaker heat backstage Empty
PostSubject: Re: HHH & Undertaker heat backstage   HHH & Undertaker heat backstage EmptyFri Sep 12, 2008 2:59 pm

This piece of news almost managed to make me fear for the Undertaker. But then I remember he is the Undertaker, and I was fine. There is no way in hell that he would accept something as retarded as someone like Triple H ending his feud, and he is one of maybe five people in the world who could tell Vince off.

On the other hand, maybe Triple H inherits the WWE sometime in the future, and will beat the Undertaker at Wrestlemania, ending his streak, and at the same time become Champion for the seventeenth time, breaking Flair's record.
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Sexton Hardcastle
Heath Slater's Kid
Heath Slater's Kid
Sexton Hardcastle

Country : HHH & Undertaker heat backstage England-1

Number of posts : 13076

HHH & Undertaker heat backstage Empty
PostSubject: Re: HHH & Undertaker heat backstage   HHH & Undertaker heat backstage EmptyFri Sep 12, 2008 3:14 pm

the wwe will go to shit once hhh takes over Sad

no wonder vince wants to stay till hes dead in the ground.

Someone needs to tell paul that recently his promos have been sloppy and hard to watch without feeling sick.

He is NOT the future of WWE, the other guys are! Guess my hope that maybe hed lose to jericho at WM isnt going to come to fruition then.
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bazz23-v2 ®™
Second Divorce
bazz23-v2 ®™

Country : HHH & Undertaker heat backstage Canada

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HHH & Undertaker heat backstage Empty
PostSubject: Re: HHH & Undertaker heat backstage   HHH & Undertaker heat backstage EmptyFri Sep 12, 2008 3:50 pm

I hope this is all true, and people are pissed off with HHH's promo, it was fking stupid and not needed.

I can't see taker allowing HHH to be the one to end his streak.

I almost pray for a career ending quad tear.
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king inferno
When I grow up I want to be the Rock
When I grow up I want to be the Rock
king inferno

Number of posts : 40

HHH & Undertaker heat backstage Empty
PostSubject: Re: HHH & Undertaker heat backstage   HHH & Undertaker heat backstage EmptySat Sep 13, 2008 5:21 am

grendelsdad wrote:
But then I remember he is the Undertaker, and I was fine. There is no way in hell that he would accept something as retarded as someone like Triple H ending his feud, and he is one of maybe five people in the world who could tell Vince off.

taker could get away with it your right,but taker has always been one of the most professional guys in the buisness who keeps the other superstars(particulary the young one)in line.i dont believe taker would tell vince off over something like that,hes not like shawn or bret woh tell him off whenever they dont get there way,taker does buisness,and makes sure everyone else does buisness to.im sure that taker wont want to end the streak with trips,but if vince really wants him to,he'll do it
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Intercontinental Champion
Intercontinental Champion

Location : Kent Number of posts : 774 Favourite Wrestler : Randy Orton, LAX

HHH & Undertaker heat backstage Empty
PostSubject: Re: HHH & Undertaker heat backstage   HHH & Undertaker heat backstage EmptySat Sep 13, 2008 12:18 pm

surprised they were ever put on the same brand in the first place with all the history those two have
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Second Divorce

Country : HHH & Undertaker heat backstage England-1

Location : Earth Number of posts : 3941 Favourite Wrestler : Chris Jericho
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HHH & Undertaker heat backstage Empty
PostSubject: Re: HHH & Undertaker heat backstage   HHH & Undertaker heat backstage EmptySat Sep 13, 2008 12:21 pm

It was inevitable that there would be some kind of disagreements backstage between these two.

But I agree with Bazz, the promoes from HHH about smarks are not good;

Smackdown Spoiler:

We know its not real, we don't need stuff like that, in fact I could go as far to say HHH's promoes have been getting more on my nerves than Cena's were.
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Wrestling Legend
Wrestling Legend

Location : In My House Number of posts : 4224 Favourite Wrestler : Shawn Michaels

HHH & Undertaker heat backstage Empty
PostSubject: Re: HHH & Undertaker heat backstage   HHH & Undertaker heat backstage EmptySat Sep 13, 2008 2:37 pm

I don't mind people breaking kayfabe once in a while because it is usually quite funny. I laughed at the DX segment in 2006 when they talked about segments and took the piss out of Hornswoggle. However, when everyone starts doing it every week, it gets boring.

Is all this backstage heat a result of HHH explaining what a promo was on SD?
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WWE Champion as G.M

Country : HHH & Undertaker heat backstage Niger-1

Location : The City Of Angles Number of posts : 16515 Favourite Wrestler : Essa Rios, CM Punk, Too Cool, Aj Styles ,Shawn Michaels,

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PostSubject: Re: HHH & Undertaker heat backstage   HHH & Undertaker heat backstage EmptySat Sep 13, 2008 2:39 pm

07 wasnt it rocky?
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Wrestling Legend
Wrestling Legend

Location : In My House Number of posts : 4224 Favourite Wrestler : Shawn Michaels

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PostSubject: Re: HHH & Undertaker heat backstage   HHH & Undertaker heat backstage EmptySat Sep 13, 2008 2:42 pm

I'm not sure. I thought it was 2006 because didn't Triple H get injured at the start of 07 and that was when DX ended? It was funny in whatever year it was.

Triple H to Hornswoggle: You're in the short segment, see!

taking th piss out o Classic
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WWE Champion as G.M

Country : HHH & Undertaker heat backstage Niger-1

Location : The City Of Angles Number of posts : 16515 Favourite Wrestler : Essa Rios, CM Punk, Too Cool, Aj Styles ,Shawn Michaels,

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PostSubject: Re: HHH & Undertaker heat backstage   HHH & Undertaker heat backstage EmptySat Sep 13, 2008 2:44 pm

aye but i didnt see any wwe in 06 and i saw that im 90% sure it was 07 ona """one ngiht"" reunion
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Wrestling Legend
Wrestling Legend

Location : In My House Number of posts : 4224 Favourite Wrestler : Shawn Michaels

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PostSubject: Re: HHH & Undertaker heat backstage   HHH & Undertaker heat backstage EmptySat Sep 13, 2008 2:46 pm

Oh, I remember now! I think you're right. DX reunited for One Night Only near the end of 07. Didn't they take over RAW or something like that?
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WWE Champion as G.M

Country : HHH & Undertaker heat backstage Niger-1

Location : The City Of Angles Number of posts : 16515 Favourite Wrestler : Essa Rios, CM Punk, Too Cool, Aj Styles ,Shawn Michaels,

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PostSubject: Re: HHH & Undertaker heat backstage   HHH & Undertaker heat backstage EmptySat Sep 13, 2008 2:47 pm

Aye around that time they had about 50 ONE night reunions taking th piss out o

anyway back to subject in hand ...
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Money in the bank winner
Money in the bank winner

Country : HHH & Undertaker heat backstage UnitedStatesofAmericaUSA-1

Location : Cheshire Number of posts : 1556 Favourite Wrestler : Current WWE: The Miz, Jericho, Orton, Evan Bourne, William Regal, Christian, Jack Swagger, CM Punk, Kaval

TNA: Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, AJ Styles, Jay Lethal, Matt Morgan, Desmond Wolfe, Mr Anderson, Hernandez, Douglas Williams, Robert Roode, Kurt Angle, Young Bucks, Samoa Joe, Kaz.

Others: Bryan Danielson, Chris Hero, Colt Cabana, Christopher Daniels, Jack Evans, Austin Aries, Tyler Black, El Generico, Briscoe Brothers, Claudio Castagnoli, Roderick Strong, Rhett Titus.

HHH & Undertaker heat backstage Empty
PostSubject: Re: HHH & Undertaker heat backstage   HHH & Undertaker heat backstage EmptySun Sep 14, 2008 9:15 pm

HHH breaks kayfabe quite a fair bit nowadays, the RAW anniversary with Steph, the in ring confrontation with Cena, he seems to be aiming his promos at the internet fans and smarks.
Wonder if he reads them anytime?

If so Haitch this is to you: When Steph is all healed up from your latest sprog, let me have a go will ya?
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Wrestling Legend
Wrestling Legend

Location : In My House Number of posts : 4224 Favourite Wrestler : Shawn Michaels

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PostSubject: Re: HHH & Undertaker heat backstage   HHH & Undertaker heat backstage EmptySun Sep 14, 2008 10:27 pm

Can you imagine HHH reading some of the articles on this board? taking th piss out o I don't think he would like what he reads!

I would say he would look at some of the boards from time to time but he probably looks at that Fan Nation thing on wwe.com the most.
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