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 John Cena Injured.

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8 posters
Heath Slater's Kid
Heath Slater's Kid

Country : John Cena Injured. Untitl11

Location : Falkirk Number of posts : 12026

John Cena Injured. Empty
PostSubject: John Cena Injured.   John Cena Injured. EmptyFri Jun 10, 2011 9:56 am

Quote :
-- Current WWE Champion John Cena is working through a number of injuries these days. Sources indicate that Cena has neck, hip, and elbow problems that have been bugging him for awhile now. It should be noted that despite these nagging injuries, Cena is rarely one to complain.
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Heath Slater's Kid
Heath Slater's Kid

Country : John Cena Injured. Untitl11

Location : Falkirk Number of posts : 12026

John Cena Injured. Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Cena Injured.   John Cena Injured. EmptyFri Jun 10, 2011 9:57 am

I think they need to pull him for a month or two, so he can can heal properly or WM28 could end up fucked.
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World Champion Winner At WM
World Champion Winner At WM

Country : John Cena Injured. England-1

Location : Manchester Number of posts : 2836 Favourite Wrestler : AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam, Jushin Thunder Liger, Tiger Mask, Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, Matt Sydal (aka Evan Bourne), Jack Evans and Luchadores in genral.

John Cena Injured. Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Cena Injured.   John Cena Injured. EmptyFri Jun 10, 2011 10:05 am

I know this might be nasty but... go on Cena, fuck yourself up and retire so WWE can stop ramming him down our throats and maybe we can go a whole year without a Cena title reign and Super Cena pushes.

Oh and do it before next years Wrestlemania so the Rock doesn't have to do the whole 'hand the torch over' routine and build him up even more.
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Vinces Bitch

Country : John Cena Injured. England-1

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Sami Callihan

John Cena Injured. Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Cena Injured.   John Cena Injured. EmptyFri Jun 10, 2011 10:05 am

I agree he should take time off but they will need to push the next top face to the moon while he's out, I think that'd be John Morrison so it can only happen when he's back and fit
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Most decorated Champion in history
Most decorated Champion in history

Country : John Cena Injured. Untitl11

Number of posts : 5679

John Cena Injured. Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Cena Injured.   John Cena Injured. EmptyFri Jun 10, 2011 10:36 am

Worthy wrote:
I know this might be nasty but... go on Cena, fuck yourself up and retire so WWE can stop ramming him down our throats and maybe we can go a whole year without a Cena title reign and Super Cena pushes.

Oh and do it before next years Wrestlemania so the Rock doesn't have to do the whole 'hand the torch over' routine and build him up even more.

I'm totally the other way on this one. I want SuperCena for the next year. I want him to hold the belt until Mania 28, because it'd guarantee the entire crowd, in Rocky's hometown will tear into him for the whole match. It'd make him the heel for the match, without having him undergo a full-on heel turn.

I'd rather they took him off house-shows for a few months, protect him that way, and gave him a few months off next year. WWE's done such a crap job of promoting anyone else to take the Raw main face role, they simply can't afford for him to go off TV.
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Saint Jimmy
TNA Heavyweight Champion
TNA Heavyweight Champion
Saint Jimmy

Country : John Cena Injured. England-1

Location : Liverpool Number of posts : 1319 Favourite Wrestler : Stone Cold Steve Austin, Bryan Danielson, CM Punk

John Cena Injured. Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Cena Injured.   John Cena Injured. EmptyFri Jun 10, 2011 12:56 pm

The only one who could legitemately take over as number one face on RAW that is already on tv is Triple H and I dont know who would be worse to have on top to be honest.

They definately need to take him off tv for a while. Hes been doing the same routine for about 6 years now and he is beyond stale plus if they want to conserve him for later years then they should rest him.
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Sexton Hardcastle
Heath Slater's Kid
Heath Slater's Kid
Sexton Hardcastle

Country : John Cena Injured. England-1

Number of posts : 13076

John Cena Injured. Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Cena Injured.   John Cena Injured. EmptyFri Jun 10, 2011 2:12 pm

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World Champion Winner At WM
World Champion Winner At WM

Country : John Cena Injured. England-1

Location : Manchester Number of posts : 2836 Favourite Wrestler : AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam, Jushin Thunder Liger, Tiger Mask, Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, Matt Sydal (aka Evan Bourne), Jack Evans and Luchadores in genral.

John Cena Injured. Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Cena Injured.   John Cena Injured. EmptyFri Jun 10, 2011 2:29 pm

Just to explain my point further, I feel WWE is building the company around Cena and I would like to see what WWE does without Cena.

Maybe WWE needs to look at the news on Cena's health and see it as a warning that they need to build up more big name company poster boys before it's too late... they also need to look at the fact that Smackdown live tours have not been selling well since Edge left, due to lack of big names as they only have Orton.

Long story short, WWE should plan ahead because if anything happens to Cena and Orton, then WWE are screwed.
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Most decorated Champion in history
Most decorated Champion in history

Country : John Cena Injured. Untitl11

Number of posts : 5679

John Cena Injured. Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Cena Injured.   John Cena Injured. EmptyFri Jun 10, 2011 3:06 pm

Worthy wrote:
Just to explain my point further, I feel WWE is building the company around Cena and I would like to see what WWE does without Cena.

Maybe WWE needs to look at the news on Cena's health and see it as a warning that they need to build up more big name company poster boys before it's too late... they also need to look at the fact that Smackdown live tours have not been selling well since Edge left, due to lack of big names as they only have Orton.

Long story short, WWE should plan ahead because if anything happens to Cena and Orton, then WWE are screwed.

But Cena's been injured before, and business hasn't dropped as much as it is at the moment. Smackdown's problem is that they've shoved Orton onto the brand, and he has no realistic competition at all. Christian is going through a heel turn (totally unnecessary), Sheamus and Mark Henry have jobbed on Raw for so long, they both massive rebuilding (and training in Henry's case), Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes and Ted BiBiase are in the same position. Kane was a disaster ratings-wise as champ, The Corre have been utterly destroyed as threats, and Sin Cara botches far too much to be considered.

There's one simple solution to all this: move Alberto Del Rio back to Smackdown. Gives Orton competition, and gets ADR out of the Raw midcard.

WWE have had the perfect storm over the past year of Batista and Jericho leaving, HBK and Edge retiring, and Taker and Triple virtually disappearing from TV, which leaves Orton and Cena as their only true recognised headliners. If they'd followed up with the pushes for Sheamus and Jack Swagger, instead of rushing them to the title, refusing to put them over anyone clean and then demoting them back down the card for not getting over, they'd be in a much healthier state than they are now.

And yup, if WWE had planned ahead, CM Punk could be a massive star, instead of a guy who floats around then jobs on PPV relentlessly. Chuck in Rey's contract expiring soon, with no news on him re-signing either, and WWE need to decide who they're going with for the next 5 years in the headline slots, and start getting behind them now.
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Vinces Bitch

Country : John Cena Injured. England-1

Number of posts : 1677 Favourite Wrestler :
Sami Callihan

John Cena Injured. Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Cena Injured.   John Cena Injured. EmptyFri Jun 10, 2011 3:57 pm

The problem is they have too many heels. If Cena got hurt I can honestly see them turning Del Rio or Miz to take on Cena's role, they seem to be going on the right route with Riley's turn and hopefully a good programme with The Miz but that will take time. I think they thought Sin Cara would be more successful than he has been and that has left them a bit fucked really! Think of all the heels that could be legitimately in the main event: Punk, Miz, Del Rio, Christian, Sheamus, R-Truth and Barrett (don't think I've forgotten anyone) and now think of the faces: Cena, Orton and Mysterio. There is a massive imbalance and that is even generously including Rey who is riddled with injuries!
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Most decorated Champion in history
Most decorated Champion in history

Country : John Cena Injured. Untitl11

Number of posts : 5679

John Cena Injured. Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Cena Injured.   John Cena Injured. EmptyFri Jun 10, 2011 4:12 pm

The fact that Riley is being counted as a potential main-eventer when he's not had an official PPV match yet just shows desperate WWE is!

Question for the board:

As WWE have so many main event / potential main event heels, who are the faces that are over enough to make the step up? Most of the WWE midcard is met with total silence and utter indifference by the crowds...
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Heath Slater's Kid
Heath Slater's Kid

Country : John Cena Injured. Untitl11

Location : Falkirk Number of posts : 12026

John Cena Injured. Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Cena Injured.   John Cena Injured. EmptyFri Jun 10, 2011 4:22 pm

Maybe Kane,then again maybe not.
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Wrestling Legend
Wrestling Legend

Location : In My House Number of posts : 4224 Favourite Wrestler : Shawn Michaels

John Cena Injured. Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Cena Injured.   John Cena Injured. EmptyFri Jun 10, 2011 7:03 pm

feяgie22 wrote:
I think they need to pull him for a month or two, so he can can heal properly or WM28 could end up fucked.

Perhaps they should have let Miz get away with the phone trick he pulled at Over The Limit and have Cena off screen for a few weeks to sell the beating he got.

EDIT: But like others have said, who would be able to cover for Cena? Mysterio?
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Most decorated Champion in history
Most decorated Champion in history

Country : John Cena Injured. England-1

Location : Sunderland, England Number of posts : 7076 Favourite Wrestler : John Cena, Stone Cold Steve Austin, CM Punk, AJ Styles & The Boogyman

John Cena Injured. Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Cena Injured.   John Cena Injured. EmptyFri Jun 10, 2011 8:02 pm

Grecian wrote:
Question for the board:

As WWE have so many main event / potential main event heels, who are the faces that are over enough to make the step up? Most of the WWE midcard is met with total silence and utter indifference by the crowds...

John Morrison springs to mind but they will have to do it slowly - like they did with Shawn Michaels in early to mid 90's.
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Saint Jimmy
TNA Heavyweight Champion
TNA Heavyweight Champion
Saint Jimmy

Country : John Cena Injured. England-1

Location : Liverpool Number of posts : 1319 Favourite Wrestler : Stone Cold Steve Austin, Bryan Danielson, CM Punk

John Cena Injured. Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Cena Injured.   John Cena Injured. EmptyFri Jun 10, 2011 8:37 pm

Plus Morrison is crocked at the moment.

I think Daniel Bryan has potential to step up but I think he was jobbed out too much when he was on RAW and he is better as a heel.

Sin Cara also has the potential but he just needs to stop botching (easier said than done however)
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Vinces Bitch

Country : John Cena Injured. England-1

Number of posts : 1677 Favourite Wrestler :
Sami Callihan

John Cena Injured. Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Cena Injured.   John Cena Injured. EmptyFri Jun 10, 2011 9:46 pm

Grecian wrote:
Question for the board:

As WWE have so many main event / potential main event heels, who are the faces that are over enough to make the step up? Most of the WWE midcard is met with total silence and utter indifference by the crowds...

Skip Sheffield coming back could be a big main event player as a face. Currently though two names which if booked correctly could be good faces are Justin Gabriel (I see alot in him and is a natural face purely by his offence) and Mason Ryan (if he puts Punk and the Nexus out he will be accepted as a face and has the look that Vince likes). However if they needed a quick fix they would have to turn a main event heel.

So my question is, which heels would you turn face? Could any do a good job? I remember CM Punk was a good face but he is an unbelievably good heel and no-one would accept him back as a face.
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Most decorated Champion in history
Most decorated Champion in history

Country : John Cena Injured. Untitl11

Number of posts : 5679

John Cena Injured. Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Cena Injured.   John Cena Injured. EmptySat Jun 11, 2011 7:55 am

Morrison came to mind for me too, but I still think he gets 'We should cheer because he's a face' pops, rather than people cheering because they genuinely want him to win. JoMo's other main problem (and it's the same for Justin Gabriel) is that he's too pretty. Why am I, as a 31 year old bloke, going to cheer for either of them?

Same with Kofi Kingston, if they'd followed through with his Orton run a couple of years back, he could have been huge - instead, that got pulled, and now he's a career midcarder.

I wouldn't have turned Christian heel.

The other guy I'd turn is Sheamus. I think he could play the face role well, promo-ing with a smile on his face, callling everyone 'Fella'... for me, he's the best guy to turn.
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Most decorated Champion in history
Most decorated Champion in history

Country : John Cena Injured. England-1

Location : Sunderland, England Number of posts : 7076 Favourite Wrestler : John Cena, Stone Cold Steve Austin, CM Punk, AJ Styles & The Boogyman

John Cena Injured. Empty
PostSubject: Re: John Cena Injured.   John Cena Injured. EmptySat Jun 11, 2011 12:42 pm

I wouldn't of turn Christian heel either.

Sheamus is a good shout thinking about it. As you said, his promo's are good and is well enough known now to go through the turn. Drew McIntyre is another one who could possibly do something.
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